[The man said,] “one thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.” John 9:25
Seemingly, miraculous advances are being made toward restoring sight to the blind. One amazing tool is a tiny electronic lens that receives light waves (images) and transmits them to the brain, allowing the blind to “see”–at least partially. But one kind of blindness will never be cured in the operating room and that is the spiritual blindness of the human heart.
Jesus said He came to restore spiritual “sight” to the blind” (Luke 4:18) and went about restoring physical sight to the physically blind as an object lesson to show the reality of the Kingdom of God (John 9:1-7). Jesus physically healed a paralytic to show that He also had power to forgive sins (Mark 2:1-12)- and healing eyes proved He could heal hearts. The people of Israel collectively lost their spiritual sight in the Old Testament for their failure to believe God (Isaiah 6:9-10), and Jesus came to restore sight–if only the people would believe.
Because we are born spiritually blind, it takes an act of God’s grace for our eyes to be opened. If you have believed, thank God for His grace. If you want to believe, ask God to open your spiritual eyes so you can see Jesus.
Be Encouraged Today!
As you marvel in His Grace!