Be Encouraged Today / Wisdom · September 21, 2024

Numbering Our Days


The days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are eighty years       (Psalm 90:10-11), So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.      (Psalm 90:12).

Isn’t it Amazing how the older we get God changes our priorities in life…  For me the Lord has been speaking to my heart over the past 2 years. Really pressing on my heart, Life and how fleeting it is.  The older I get I’m reminded of Psalms 90:10-12.  I’m reminded of the simple things in life.  What’s important and how I want to be remembered.  This sent me on a mission seeking the Lord.  I wanted to know what it would look like in my life as a child of God to embrace Psalm 90:12, specifically what it would look like if this truth was walked out in everyday life…  Well much to my surprise, in my praying and seeking God, I learned that the request “Teach us to number our days, that we gain a heart of wisdom.” Which means that I would need God to reveal to me  the brevity of life. I would also, need to be willing to surrender to whatever, He would reveal to me through His Word. By walking in the truth in which He would show me.  But it is more than that.  He wouldn’t just show me, He would teach me, what He desires.  This revelation helps us to grow wise and wisdom is important  because the choices we make during our brief  stay here on earth have eternal consequences.  Psalm 90, Helps us to understand the Eternity of God, and Man’s Frailty.  It gives us details about God’s wrath against sin and about the meaning of life.  It’s in our face…, Our earthly lives will not last long, so it only makes sense to realize we need wisdom to prepare for what follows.

God’s desire is for human beings (you, me), to learn, grow, and seek wisdom (Proverbs 2).  You see, as we learn to number our days, we will begin to share that desire.  We were created to walk in fellowship with God, discovering the mysteries of His many blessings that He has scattered throughout His creation.  And guess what?  The Lord enjoys partnering with us as we pursue all He designed for us to accomplish (Psalm 37:23); Ephesians 2:10).  When we learn to live in harmony with Him, we can truly say as Paul, To  Live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21, Death is simply a change of address.

For those who have truly learned to number their days and spend them in pursuit of wisdom, goodness and seeking first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33).  We’ll have a clear understanding of what it means to number our days. In order to pursue this, I think it is wise to take an inventory regarding how we are spending our days.   A day is like a dollar: it can be spent wisely or foolishly ( Psalm 39:4-5), Once it is spent it cannot be spent again.  In that next verse Psalm 39:5, speaks of A handbreadth, which is a measure of four fingers, equal to about four inches. The distance from the thumb to the little finger.  Because every person’s time on earth is short (Psalm 90:7-20), as children of God we must invest our days so they will count for eternity.


  • Realizing that life is short helps us use the little time we have more wisely and for eternal good.  
  • Take time to number your days by asking , what do I want to see happen in my life before I die?  
  •  What small step could I take today toward that purpose?

Be Encouraged Today!

                             As you choose to live for the greater purpose of life!