Our Sovereign God / Uncategorized · September 19, 2024

Peace In Politics


Ahhh Election Season

                But the wisdom from above is first  pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full  of     mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.         James 3:17


Don’t  you just love it?  A time of name calling, anxiety, and cautiously attempting to avoid the  long list of possible landmines that could ruin your close relationships.  There is no doubt that our country’s political season gets ugly.  It’s a time many of us are not proud of and potentially wish we could avoid altogether. But the reality is, we simply can’t.  But during the political season, our posture, our behavior, and yes, even our votes, matter.

 As followers of Jesus, we are called to emulate Him-His Love, His compassion, and His call for us to seek first the Kingdom of God above all else; (Matthew 6:33).  How do we navigate?.. Even amid a polarizing Political Season, I believe there is a better way.  I believe there is a Kingdom-way to navigate and thrive in the divisive time in our Country.  I believe God offers us a path forward, marked by peace, humility, and above all else Unity.  We are called to love one another and this election season should be no different.  So, how do we do that?.. By staying in God’s Word. (2 Timothy 2:15).  This profound Bible verse calls Christians to a dedicated and diligent  approach to understanding and living out the Word of God…daily wanting His Will… Not YOUR Own… By using discernment, that only equips us daily  by the Power of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us,  (Ephesians 4:11-12).  By praying and being still before our Father in heaven, (Psalm 46:10).

God wants us to be an Agent of Peace dispensing His Grace, Love, Joy and Yes, compassion to a World with No Hope!

My prayer for you is that you will live a life of daily Peace–walking closely with God, experiencing His Love, and pouring out His Love to others.  This is election season and this  season should be no different.  I pray that you would be equipped, challenged, and impassioned to choose the path of Peace that God offers.  And from that Peace, my Hope is that that you are moved to share it freely with your world.  We all have our circles of influence,  and as Believers, God wants to use you as a representative of a greater story, one filled with Hope, Joy and Peace.

Let’s seek to live differently than the world around us.  Let us strive to have a resounding impact in our communities.  Your unshakable  example of God’s Love will speak louder than you may ever know.    


                                                 BE Encouraged Today!    

                                       As You choose to Live In His Peace !