Then the LORD asked Moses, “who makes a person’s mouth ? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not the LORD? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” Exodus 4:11-12
Sometimes self-doubt is a reasonable response. Especially if you have to learn new things. As we enter into new challenges in life we wonder if we have what it takes to overcome them. Setting our minds to compete in the Olympics is likely not possible for most of us. Sometimes our human desires and goals need to be adjusted. But what about those goals to which God calls us?
Would God call us to do something for which He has not equipped you to succeed? I’m sure Moses must have felt somewhat bewildered when God called him to go to Egypt and lead the Hebrews from bondage. Moses pleaded with God to let him out of his mission. After all, he was not a good speaker and would probably be an embarrassment to both himself and God. But God who had a purpose and a plan for Moses, (as He has for His children), looked at things very differently. All Moses needed was a little encouragement and assurance. Who better than God could help him say and do the right things. God made his mouth, therefore, he would give him the words to say. Moses was troubled by his inadequacy, he camped out on his weaknesses. Moses saw and knew that God indeed had all power and was commissioning him to exercise that power to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt. Can you relate? I can, my hand is raised. When given a task that takes us clear out of our comfort zone, where our inadequacies are on display, we tend to stay focused on our weaknesses. But when God gives us an assignment, we must trust that He alone will provide and use our weaknesses to glorify Him. He will provide words, strength, courage, and the ability where needed. But we see in Exodus 4, where God, finally agreed to let Aaron speak for Moses. Yes, Moses raised all sorts of objections, and God gave him an answer for each doubt he had. But, God’s final answer was the best: “I can make the mute speak, so I will equip you to speak to Pharaoh.” Moses went and succeeded because God enabled him….
When we face difficult or frightening situations, we must be willing to let God step in and be God in our life.. I can raise my hand, because I had every reason and excuse there was, when God called me to do what I am doing today.. And that is to be faithful and encourage His people.. Why me? Don’t know? But what I do know is trusting God with His plan for me brings me the greatest joy ever . Why? because Obedience brings blessings and to be used by God is a privilege.
Don’t let self-doubt tempt you to doubt God. Whatever God’s call is for your life, He will enable you. If you’ve been there and can raise your hand with Moses, I want to hear about it.
Be Encouraged Today!
As you walk in Obedience to your calling!
Recommended Reading: Joshua 1, Numbers 13, Philippians 2:13, Jeremaiah 1:6