Be Encouraged Today / Spiritual Gifts · September 19, 2024

What Are Your Spiritual Gifts?


 Spiritual Gifts


Suppose someone asked you what your  gifts are. What would you say?  We may struggle with such questions because  we  either aren’t  sure or don’t want to seem conceited.  And sometimes it’s hard to know if something is a gift or a talent.  How do you suppose one can  tell the difference?

Generally speaking, a talent is something that you’re naturally good at-such as sports or arts or  even Math– and can excel at through training, practice, and experience.  It can be a combination of innate ability and skill.  A gift, biblically speaking, is something the Lord has deliberately given you, based on His purpose for your life.   (1 Corinthians 12:7), Tells us that gifts  are given to benefit others and not ourselves.

If you’re a believer, then He’s given you a gift.  It might be teaching, preaching, exhortation, or giving. It might be something else.  Believers have different  gifts and  that’s the beauty of the body of Christ:  Our differences can work together in unity, just as the parts of a human body with different functions all work together (Romans 12:4-8).  Also, consider that it’s possible for our gifts and talents to work together.  In fact, that’s exactly what God wants for us. To lead whole, integrated lives and to be completely ourselves wherever we go.

What do you think your spiritual gifts are?  How might God be calling you to use them in a fuller way?

                                             Be Encouraged Today!

     Knowing  as a believer in Christ Jesus, you have been gifted with a Spiritual Gift!