Be Encouraged Today · August 4, 2021

Would Jesus Wear A Mask?mmm

Covid hit globally over a year ago. Despite the worldwide scourge, many still believe that the pandemic was a hoax or better yet another attempt at government control. Some Nations took it seriously. Others did not. One thing that caught my full attention was the fact that this pandemic was global. God put the entire Universe that He Created, if you will, on a sweet pause. Did anyone take the time to think about that? The God of Creation, the Creator of Everything! Paused the entire Universe…Know that Coronavirus plays no favorites. And even more importantly, it does not respect Politics or Religion. Guess what?..It follows the rules of Science.

Regardless, of whether this pandemic started in a laboratory or in a market place, no one and I mean No one can argue that we’ve lost way too many lives because of it. And for those Survivors, many today are still dealing with the long term effects of symptoms months after the infection. Oh, but then there’s the eye rolling and mask debates. Do we really need to wear them? Do they even really work? A resounding Yes and Yes!! I have Rights, I have the Freedom, what about my First Amendment.. Oh, let’s not forget this one, Well I know people who got Covid despite wearing a mask. From my understanding masks are designed to protect others, not only the one wearing the mask. After all, no one has the right to make me wear one.and what about this one, The Government is trying to stop us from… you fill in the blank. I’ll probably won’t be looked at the same after this, but guess what I’m not done…. I know the masks are uncomfortable and let the truth be known, I did do a little complaining about how I couldn’t breath or how I couldn’t hear others when they spoke.. I get it! We want things to go back to normal.

Believe me with one year of six-feet apart, social distancing, Zoom Bible Studies and Virtual Church, and unable to see family members or attend funeral services for those who passed from Covid, believe me I’m done already. I too miss all the things I took for granted, the freedom and liberties of going to and from as I please and without a mask! As I began to ponder on things we do today for our safety, such as buckle up when we get into a car. We are asked to do many things for our safety, buckle up in a Uber, a ride-share van to the airport or stopping at a red light while driving. If you ask me seatbelts laws technically violate personal freedom and comfort. The government should have no say whatsoever, in that wouldn’t you agree? But as with all things, just because I can it doesn’t mean I should (1 Corinthians 10:23). If you really trust God you would not be afraid of Covid. I do trust God. Yet I still wear a seatbelt. It seems that those who claim to follow hard after Jesus also insist on preserving their rights. When did Jesus exhort us to forsake our neighbors and focus on personal rights? Jesus teaches us about being Kind to one another; (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)… Lets look at it for what it is..Masks protect other people. They protect the elderly, the diabetic, the cardiac and cancer patients. Lets not forget the vulnerable and unvaccinated… Refusing to wear a mask because it violates one’s civil liberties is the opposite of loving one’s neighbor.

So we come to the question, would Jesus wear a mask right now? Based on how Scripture describes Jesus, I think He would. Not because He would fear catching COVID, or doesn’t “trust God.” I think Jesus would wear a mask because it’s an act of selflessness. How can we show love to our non-vaccinated neighbors at this time? By wearing those masks. Jesus gave up his rights for our freedom, when He, chose the Cross. In Philippians 2:7 ; Christ did more than simply lay aside the glory of heaven: He “emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.” There is nothing that belongs to God that Jesus didn’t have when Jesus emptied Himself into a man. So did Jesus surrender His rights? Better yet… Would Jesus wear a Mask? I would love to know…. WWJD???