Be Encouraged Today · August 12, 2021

An Abundant Supply

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his Glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:19  NLT

Some years ago, I can still recall as though it were yesterday how this verse became so real in my life.  I was a fairly new believer in Christ.  I was living  alone and distant from my family.   I (not by choice),  allowed  myself to be placed in a situation whereby I had incurred unwanted  debt.  During this time the Lord had clearly instructed me to give up a full time, permanent job with full benefits, and take a job with no benefits, but a little more money monthly due to the overtime that was built into the position .  It was during a time whereby,  the Nation was in a serious recession?   On top of  the debt in which I incurred, I struggled to make ends meet.  I lived from pay check to pay check! While paying child support for two beautiful daughters.    I literally learned to live one day at a time, trusting  God every step of the way..  I could remember many of my  Christian friends begging me not to quit my job.  They reasoned with me that I was a new believer in Christ and perhaps I didn’t understand, that the Holy Spirit would not lead me to quit a permanent job for a temporary position at a time in which having a job was so vital.  I made the decision to move forward with what I felt  God was calling me to do. There were many days where I literally had nothing in my refrigerator but ice cubes.

I praise God for His provision, the very job that He placed me in allowed for me to have a free meal on the days I worked.   Who would have imagined?  I was so grateful.  Though it was one meal, it was enough for that day. That story is only one of so many, where a Sovereign God met me in a time of need.  I can idly recall a specific time within this time frame, that I had received my pay check only to see .75 cents, yes minus the child support I was left with .75 cents.  With rent due I was beside myself.  Oh Lord I thought and prayed… where will I get money from?    Again, God was Faithful to provide, rent money through an unexpected source.  I was deeply overwhelmed with thanksgiving.. and feeling so Loved by my Father in heaven.  He had proved to be trustworthy. It was during these difficult times in my life that my Trust and Faith in Christ Jesus deepened.

Are you feeling Alone, Hopeless, Helpless and in a Desperate Situation?  Know that you need not feel helpless or hopeless.   For this same God owns a thousand cattle on a hill and this whole world belongs to Him, Psalm 50:10-11.  We  need only to: Cast all your cares and anxiety on him because He cares.  Yes, this means everything..   Do you have a need today?  Do you know this Great God?   If you do share your thoughts and if you don’t you can…. Read John 3:16:  For God loved the World in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life

Scriptures: Proverbs 3:5-6 –  1 Peter 5:7Matthew 11:30Psalm 50:10-12