I woke up one morning to the sound of rain… As I sat up in bed, I thought Oh Lord how beautiful is the sound of rain. I listened as it poured down with the sound of raging lightning and thunder. Rain, lightning and thunder we seldom experience all at once on a rainy day. I do realize that there are many who, much like the Holidays, just don’t care so much for the rain. For many it’s a reminder of pain, the pain of the past, sorrow and perhaps a sense of loneliness and rejection. For many they shut the blinds and draw their curtains closed. They find a couch and just wrap up in a blanket. While others climb back into bed and cover up! We don’t even understand ourselves; what we want or how we feel. The darkness of depression emerges and a few tears begin to stream down your face… Oh this is real and life is real… so what does one do?
As I sat and continued to listen to the pounding and pouring down of the rain, I was reminded of Psalm 147; and I was filled with Joy as well as encouraged. To think, the God who created the Earth, the Galaxies and all that we enjoy each moment of everyday. This same God Cares about you! He is not a God who is so removed that He can’t see or feel your pain and sorrow. He sees each tear that drops and He Alone can help. God’s understanding has no limits and therefore, He understands us fully.. This same God cares for the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds. Yes, even in your darkest hour He is waiting for you beloved, to call out to Him. So, Today Be Encouraged ! This same God that created the Earth and set Galaxies in motion, is the same One who can address your deepest pain and your brokenness. Will you Trust Him Today?
Revelations 3:20 says “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person and they with Me…
This is an opportunity to accept Jesus into your live, simply by asking Him to forgive you of all your sins. And acknowledging Him as your Lord and Savior!
If you opened the door and prayed and invited Jesus into your heart, Please tell someone. It is my prayer that today is a day that you see the Rain in your life in a New Light! Knowing how much you are deeply Loved by God.. The one who created You!
Be Encouraged Today!